About Us

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Welcome to TLW Training and Coaching

During his stay in the United Kingdom, the founder envisioned bringing the well known and invaluable transformational training and coaching to Ethiopia, so that Ethiopians gain the tools and strategies to change their individual, family and society’s life for the better.

TLW stands for Truth, Love and wisdom.

  1. TRUTH is the objective current reality that we need to be aware of without excuses or blame, just the raw truth.

  2. LOVE is what we would love to be, do or have other than the reality we no longer chose to be bound by or suffer from, and

  3. WISDOM is the bridge that will transform our no longer needed current reality into a new experience, a new reality that we would love to see in our lives.

A true and lasting transformation such as being in great shape or enjoy a loving and joyful relationship, or having enough money to live life on our terms has never been an accidental achievement.

There are reasons behind one’s unhappy and unfulfilling life, like in another’s happy and fulfilling one.

We are here to help you find those reasons that are holding you back in life, denying you your inherent ability and gift to achieve the success you love and deserve.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it runs your life, and you call it fate.” Carl Jung


“It is in moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

— Tony Robbins