Training and Coaching


Two Days Weekend Workshop

This weekend workshop is a life-changing event designed to bring to light the illusionary self and its limitations that imprison us in survival and safety and deny us inherent joy, fulfilment and our dream life. It is a unique training that creates a shift from personhood to pure awareness, changing the mode of awareness from perception - thoughts and feelings to a knowing that still embraces perception but is not limited by it. It will change how you see the world, yourself and others, creating a favourable and new ground to design a life you always dreamt of and have the tools to create.

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This training is created to amplify our weekend workshop by taking participants to a resort outside the city’s hustle and bustle to help everyone dig deep into the unconscious limitation holding them back from living a life of total fulfilment and success.

The number of days spent in a resort centre with the daily training and coaching for a small group allows participants to connect with their truth and create a blueprint that enables them to build a life from their true choices, completely transforming their current reality that is no longer in alignment with their truth.

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One to One Coaching

For individual goal setting and support sometimes a one to one coaching could be ideal. This is customized for individual need and based on personal request.



We facilitate a 3-month small group coaching to achieve personal goals in one area of our lives:

  1. Health and Fitness,

  2. Relationship or

  3. Finance.

During these 3 months, coachees will set a goal, create a plan, execute it and achieve the desired result. All along they will be supported when their old habit kicks in or they face their fear or when their dysfunctional formation shows up.

Not only they achieve results but they shape the character that they can use in the future as well.


Spoken English Mastery

In Collaboration with the London Spoken Academy

The English language is a language of instruction in Ethiopia. However, despite years of schooling, many Ethiopians struggle to speak English fluently. Traditional education focuses on reading and writing and misses the natural flow of learning a language, affecting the learners’ ability to gain the complete skill of communication even after years of staying in all levels of education from primary to higher learning.

We facilitate focused training to enable Ethiopians to follow the natural steps by providing the resources and native English speakers virtually and face to face, depending on the requirements.

Book an Event

There are ongoing workshops and group coaching sessions. Click the button below and see what’s available.

You can also subscribe to our mailing list and we will inform you as soon as events are made available.